Are you overscheduling your kids?

Are you overscheduling your kids?

Before you read about scheduling and your child, take a moment and answer the following questions. Choose the answer that most closely reflects your situation: 1. When was the last time your child had time off school and other scheduled activities and had “nothing to...
Make kids readers

Make kids readers

Hi everyone! Ms. Chiou here.  I want to share some tips on how to get kids to read. One of the most common questions we hear from parents is “What else can my son or daughter be doing?” And the answer is always – “Read!” The following opinion might be an...
What is Mastery Learning?

What is Mastery Learning?

“When compared to traditionally taught classes, students in mastery learning classes consistently have been shown to learn better, reach higher levels of achievement, and develop greater confidence in their ability to learn and in themselves as learners.”  ...
How to succeed on an Englist assessment

How to succeed on an Englist assessment

At Englist, before we can place your student in the right class, we need to see their English skills. We don’t worry as much about student age and grade level as we do a student’s ability to listen, speak, read, and write. So, we ask that all students come in for...