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Many people call Newyork the capitol of the world because it is considered the most busiest and flurishing city in earth. Many people who lived in other cities see Newyork as a dream City and are wishing to move and work in the big apple (another nickname). There are still alot of problems in Newyork. The population distribution makes this city a extremely crowding City which then leads to pollution problems. However, among all these problems, the major problem in Newyork is that no matter what, prices and costs are all very expensive, wich makes peoples life very difficult! Many people call New York the capital of the world because it is the busiest and most flourishing city on Earth. Residents of other cities see New York as a dream city and hope to someday move and to and work in the Big Apple, which is another nickname for the metropolis. Still, there are plenty of problems in New York. One issue is that the city is crowded, which can lead to pollution problems. However, the most serious of all of New York’s issues is that it is expensive to live there, making life difficult for many New Yorkers.





錯誤示範 建議寫法
One reason dogs are better pets than cats is that dogs are more social. Sometimes cats can be social too, but dogs are more playful. Dogs like to play in the park and play fetch, but cats prefer to sleep. Sleeping is good for cats, and most animals actually. One reason dogs are better pets than cats is that they are more social. Dogs love to play with other dogs and people, and they get lonely if they don’t have enough social stimulus. Cats, on the other hand, can roam around totally alone and be perfectly fine.









錯誤示範 建議寫法
The initial and primary rationale behind the certainty that history as a subject is generally more winsome amongst academic pupils than courses in the field of mathematics is due to the clear and unmistakable truth of historical courses being pervaded with titillating anecdotal experiences, while mathematical classes, on the other hand, are an ordeal of advanced and onerous numerical calculation. As an illustration of this critical notation, in a course on Western, European, or modern history, a pupil will encounter textual treatments of French royalty circa 18th century Gaul and their draconian dealings with their late-medieval peasantry and serfs. One reason history is a more interesting subject than math is because history class is like reading or hearing stories, while math class is just crunching numbers. For example, in history you can read about the French Revolution and the poor treatment of people by King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, or you could hear about Ancient Egyption culture and its powerful pharaohs. In math class, however, you just have to do calculation after calculation. Even when math is complicated, there is a “right answer” and it leaves no room for interpretation or analysis.



如同世界著名的認知心理學家兼寫作老師史蒂文·平克(Steven Pinker)所說的,「最好的字彙,不見得是詞藻華麗的詞。」我們建議學生撰寫英文論文時,使用最簡單直接的詞彙,讓讀者也能快速理解文意。






錯誤示範 建議寫法
Dumbledore is the wisest character in the Harry Potter series. For example, he says, “Phoenixes burst into flame when it is time for them to die and are reborn from the ashes.” Dumbledore is the wisest character in the Harry Potter series because he has so many powerful quotes. One of his most incisive comes from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when he says, “Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.”



學術英文寫作相當注重證據的來源和可靠性,因此需要清楚列出資料來源、學者、研究名稱等相關資訊,才能展現資料的真實與權威性。若只是僅引用Google搜尋的結果,像是「根據科學家…」(according to scientists)、「有研究指出…」(one study shows)等此類寫法,皆會被認定成薄弱的證據。以下我們以Englist的學生所撰寫的文章來做為參考範例。


錯誤示範 建議寫法
For example, according to an article, dogs have larger brains than cats. For example, according to an article by Sarah Gibbons in National Geographic, dogs have twice the number of neurons in their brains as cats do.











錯誤示範 建議寫法
The ball was kicked by the boy. The boy kicked the ball.



錯誤示範 建議寫法
For example, according to an article, dogs have larger brains than cats. He angered his parents by not doing his chores.




錯誤示範 建議寫法
Poverty can greatly affect citizens of a country because it has a significant impact on overall quality of life. Individuals in less fortunate situations can struggle to make ends meet and thus focus more on first order resource concerns as opposed to upgrading quality of life metrics. Poverty is harmful to people and nations because it makes life harder for everyone. Poor people are unable to earn enough money to pay for things like groceries and bills unless they are always working, which means they have less time and energy to spend on things like school and investing.









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