
於是,我們研發了一套系統來訓練寫作新手。我們管它叫做簡易說服力論文 (Simple Persuasive Essay),或是SPE,如同字面上的意義 – 一篇容易撰寫的說服力論文。學生學習如何在嚴謹的邏輯形式上撰寫16個句子。透過這樣的寫作模式,學生就能運用他們所了解的語言,學習基本的論文寫作。

SPE不是真的論文。真的論文不會遵循一套模式。學生不能寫一篇SPE,然後交給其他課程的老師。SPE的重點是讓學生認識撰寫論文的不同元素和工具。再者,學生掌握了SPE,我們就會進入更正式和變化款的寫作形式。(備註:SPE是根據Jane Schaffer paragraph的方法)




  • 開場白(Hook – H)聰明的介紹論文主題吸引讀者注意
  • 背景和主題句(Background and topic sentence – BTS):讓讀者知道這篇論文關於什麼,並提供必要的背景資訊
  • 論點(Thesis – T):論文主要的想法、意見或立場。這是整篇論文最重要的句子
    • 鬆散論點(Loose Thesis – LT):簡單、筆記式的想法。在著筆其他部分前先考慮這個



  • 主題句 (Topic sentence – TS):這個句子有兩個作用 – 第一,告訴讀者這段關於什麼。第二,為什麼你的論點是對的。這個主題句段落的所有句子都必須跟緊扣該主題。
  • 具體的細節描述(Concrete detail – CD):通常是主題句的明確例子,就是例句。這跟讀者說明主題句的真實性,或是證據。
  • 評論1(Commentary 1 – CM):回答“為什麼讀者應該要在乎主題句或具體的細節描述?”“為什麼這很重要?你是怎麼想的…”這些是你針對主題句和具體的細節描述的觀點、想法和論證。
  • 評論2(Commentary 2 – CM):針對第一個評論、具體細節描述、或主題句提供更多評論,只要能支撐並與上一句連貫。每個評論都需要兩個句子。
  • 結論句(Concluding Sentence – CS):這個句子用來總結段落。通常是整個段落的概要,透過不同的文字和措辭來提醒讀者並加強論述。



  • 概要(Summary – S):主文段落的簡短摘要,來銜接結論。用來提醒讀者論點和主題句。
  • 最終結果(Ultimate Outcome – UO):重申你所證實的論點和其意涵。它必須是論點的延伸,解釋你的論點是對的,讓論點更有說服力
  • 最終想法(Final thought – FT):任何其他你想說的。用來把結束論文,最為一個收尾的論述。


這不足以讓你了解如何撰寫一篇SPE – 每個句子和段落都能在Englist的基礎寫作課程學到,包含:

  • 句子和段落間的連接詞
  • 大綱、計畫和寫作順序
  • 異象和描述寫作
  • 風格、口吻和觀眾
  • 即時分析




  • 第三人稱是客觀的,其他都是主觀的
  • 千萬不要說“我認為”或“我覺得”。很顯然的 – 你就是作者! 這些詞彙讓你聽起來很不肯定



  • 很多老師會說,你要提出問題才能像修辭手法般提出解答。他們是不好的老師
  • 在更進階或特定形式的寫作,可以不用考慮這個規則,但學生在學習學術寫作或指望問題時,遵守它是重要的



  • 數個問號來表達困惑或沮喪(???)
  • 數個驚嘆號來表達強調或訝異(!!!)
    • 事實上,不要在所有學術寫作中用驚嘆號
  • 點符號,或“點點點”,來表達暗示或想法未決(…)
  • 非正式的簡訊語言,像是“haha”或“lol”
  • 表情符號🙁或其他顏文字 – 🙂 🙁


Hook: In Taiwan, thousands of academic and extracurricular programs – sports, music, coding, “design-thinking” – compete for every spare hour of student time.

Background and Topic SentenceThese programs are all fine and good, but considering the actual needs of students in Taiwan, almost all of them fall short.

ThesisThere is one organization, however, that offers both the skills students need and the engaging environment for them to master these abilities – that school is Englist.

Topic SentenceThe first reason why Englist is such a useful academic program is that the skills students learn here are practical and applicable to their lives. 

Concrete DetailFor example, Englist students learn communication skills, how to organize their thoughts, how to write essays, and they get ready for college. 

Commentary 1: Students will need to have organized thoughts, know how to communicate, and know how to write reports and essays in their future careers, in college, and in their day-to-day lives right now.

Commentary 2Other classes can be a lot of fun and offer valuable experiences with courses in things like robotics, coding, design, or music, but the topics covered in these classes are highly specialized and not generally practical. 

Concluding SentenceEnglist offers education in practical, fundamental skills and thus is the most useful program in Taiwan.

Topic Sentence 2: While learning practical skills is great, even more beneficial is the fact that Englist cultivates critical academic skills most other programs either neglect or don’t understand. 

Concrete Detail: For example, Englist students pride themselves on their capacity for critical thinking, analysis, and reasoning. 

Commentary 1: They develop these abilities through writing and by reading thought-provoking books and articles, all while students develop language proficiency. 

Commentary 2: More importantly, however, is the fact that these skills – critical thinking and analysis especially – are the skills that colleges, major tests like the SAT, and elite programs need to see in students.

Concluding Sentence: In short, Englist is such a robust academic program because it instills in students the most important academic and intellectual skills students need for success.

Summary: By offering students a chance to develop their minds, Englist has established itself as the most useful and rewarding school in Taiwan. 

Ultimate Outcome: All students with high expectations and strong minds would do well to enroll, as Englist is built specifically to sharpen the intellects of top-tier thinkers. 

Final Thought: For any English learner in Taiwan who wants to transcend the normal tedium of test prep and cramming vocabulary, Englist is the answer.

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