1-on-1 Classes

Henry SAT test prep

If your student needs more dedicated help, you can arrange 1-on-1 sessions with an Englist teacher. These sessions are designed to target the specific problem areas your child is struggling with, and can help them catch up to their classmates.

Please contact our administrative staff to make arrangements.

Or call us now at: (02) 2736-6829


Fundamentals (maximum 2 hours per session)

NT$3,000 per hour

For current students – NT$1,500 per hour

Upper Level Writing (maximum 2 hours per session)

NT$3,000 per hour

For current students – NT$1,500 per hour

The Problem with an American-centric Curriculum and How Englist Does It Better

The Problem with an American-centric Curriculum and How Englist Does It Better

Every day across Taiwan, students at buxibans, bilingual programs, and “international” schools open American textbooks filled with stories about the 4th of July, historical figures like George Washington, and jokes that don’t quite land. Taiwanese parents and administrators assume these are the best path to fluency for Taiwanese students—but are they?

Writing, rewriting, and why we do it in the classroom

Writing, rewriting, and why we do it in the classroom

Last semester, a few parents decided to remove their kids from class about halfway through the term. The parents argued their children were doing too much work during class time — specifically drafting their writing tasks as well as redrafting them after I had edited them … To them, this was evidence of a lack of learning. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Make kids readers

Make kids readers

One of the most common questions we hear from parents is “What else can my son or daughter be doing?” And the answer is always – “Read!”


Feel free to reach out to us through the channels below, or simply fill out this form and a representative will be in touch.

Englist 的LINE官方帳號


(02) 2736-6829

Taipei City, Da’an District, Anhe Road, Section 1, No. 137, 4th Floor