Englist’s Plagiarism and AI Policy

At Englist we uphold a commitment to fostering critical thinking, creativity, and integrity. In light of the development of AI content-generating tools like ChatGPT, we have established a plagiarism and AI use policy for Englist students. 

Englist prohibits plagiarism and the use of AI tools, including ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Grammarly, on all student work, unless under the explicit consent of an Englist teacher. 

Writing is thinking, and plagiarism and AI-generated content misrepresent the thoughts and ideas of someone else as your own. 

This policy aims to clarify what constitutes plagiarism and AI use and the consequences of engaging in such practices.

What is plagiarism?: Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s ideas, words, or work and presenting them as your own. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Copying and pasting text from a source without proper citation
  2. Paraphrasing or summarizing someone else’s work without giving credit
  3. Presenting someone else’s ideas or concepts as your own
  4. Using images, graphs, or other visual elements without proper attribution
  5. Collaborating on assignments meant to be completed individually without acknowledgment

What does it mean to use AI tools?: Using AI tools to assist in your work, such as language models, machine translation, or content generators, and including platforms like ChatGPT, Google Bard, Grammarly, and, in some contexts, Google Translate. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Using AI platforms to generate essays, stories, or any other written assignments
  2. Translating text using AI platforms without proper attribution
  3. Employing AI platforms to plagiarize or manipulate content from other sources
  4. Using AI platforms dishonestly or to gain an unfair advantage

How can you know if you are plagiarizing or cheating?

“If you had any help that you don’t want your teacher or parents to know about, you probably cheated.” – Lathrop and Foss, 2000, p. 116 

How to avoid plagiarism and using AI platforms:

  • Cite your work – just make a list of where you got your information, or add a link
  • Develop strong research skills
  • Ask teachers for help
  • Think of original and creative ideas
  • Write using your own thoughts and words

If teachers suspect plagiarism or use of AI tools, they may take one or more of the following actions:

  • Have the student define or explain some of the vocabulary they used
  • Have the student read all or part of the assignment out loud
  • Have the student create an outline of the assignment
  • Have the student rewrite all or part of the assignment with pencil and paper

Englist reserves the right to determine if students have violated this policy, and Englist reserves the right to enforce consequences on students. Consequences can include, but are not limited to:

  • Loss of credit for the assignment
  • Required completion of an alternative assignment
  • Meeting with parents to discuss the violation
  • Dismissal from Englist classes

Remember, your thoughts and ideas matter, and it is through your own unique work that you will grow as a student and a thinker. Avoid using AI, plagiarism, and cheating.

If you are concerned something you or your student are doing might constitute cheating, feel free to ask an Englist teacher or staff member before you submit the assignment. And if you have questions about this policy, feel free to contact our staff.

– The Englist Team

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