
Why Englist doesn’t accept outside assessments

Why Englist doesn’t accept outside assessments

Here at Englist, every prospective student needs to take an assessment with one of our teachers before they can join a class. This can be a time consuming process, so parents occasionally ask if we can just accept another assessment a student has taken. However, we insist that all students take our assessment, and we don’t accept anything else. Here’s why.

Grades are bad

Grades are bad

This is not how school or learning should be. Grades are bad.

The Zen master and the international school student

The Zen master and the international school student

Most of the students and parents I encounter share the same reasoning as this monk. How can they increase efficiency? How can they achieve more quickly? How can they best position themselves for success, and how much studying will that take? Like in the story of the Buddhist monk, that’s not always how it works.

Academic Writing

What is writing? And why do we write?

What is writing? And why do we write?

Writing is important, and once you realize what it is for, it is fun. But more than just fun, writing is a powerful tool and it will train you to do the most fundamental thing human beings do. That is because: …

To Kill a Mockingbird and Lit Class in Taiwan

To Kill a Mockingbird and Lit Class in Taiwan

How Taiwanese kids learn about this book, and so many others, could be done so much better if we would move past the idea that for a curriculum to be “American” it needs to be copied and pasted wholesale from American high school lit classes. More specifically, students at Englist enjoy and understand advanced books like TKAM because we approach them differently than anyone else in Taiwan does.

How Englist does online learning better than others

How Englist does online learning better than others

We understand that online learning is hard for families. Online classes might mean parents need to do a little extra work in helping their kids, or might need to pay a little bit closer attention to how their student is behaving in class. It’s no fun for anyone – parents, students, and teachers. What makes Englist such a great program is that we both understand the difficulties and drawbacks of online learning, but we are also able to transition to an online system in the blink of an eye.

Elementary Fundamentals

How Englist does online learning better than others

How Englist does online learning better than others

We understand that online learning is hard for families. Online classes might mean parents need to do a little extra work in helping their kids, or might need to pay a little bit closer attention to how their student is behaving in class. It’s no fun for anyone – parents, students, and teachers. What makes Englist such a great program is that we both understand the difficulties and drawbacks of online learning, but we are also able to transition to an online system in the blink of an eye.

5 books that Englist elementary students love

5 books that Englist elementary students love

Elementary level books can be the most fun and lighthearted, but also pack an emotional punch that will stay with students into their adult lives. At Englist, we find the best books for this level are a combination of fun and humor, but with a dose of heavier topics and deeper meaning.

Reading is the most important thing you can do

Reading is the most important thing you can do

Reading will not only help your student at Englist, but it will help students in their other classes. It improves students’ brains. Reading ensures academic success. And even more than all of that – reading ability is one of the strongest predictors of success in life.

College Applications

How to prepare for the TOEFL

A good TOEFL study plan can do a lot to prepare you for the test. These steps will help you organize an ideal study plan.   TOEFL format and scores Useful resources Practice strategies Tutoring Conclusion TOEFL format and scores Overall, TOEFL scores you on a...

What is academic writing and why is it important?

Academic writing has become an increasingly important part of education as parents and educators realize the value of critical thinking skills and preparing students for college. Still, many students, parents, and even other teachers don’t have a great grasp on this area of learning and why it is so critical. As such, at Englist we find it is important to not only teach academic writing, but also help everyone understand why it is imperative to the development of thoughtful and capable students.

How to prepare for the IELTS exam

By Teacher Jon A good IELTS study plan can do a lot to prepare you for the test. These steps will help you organize an ideal study plan.   Useful resources Ideal study space Understanding the test format Immersion - not over-study Taking mock tests Practicing...