Englist academic policies

Notable issues addressed in contracts

Philosophy notes

  • Englist is not an easy or laid-back program – we take our work as seriously as educators do at the best schools in Taiwan
  • We expect students and families to make our program a priority and to put in the required amount of effort to succeed

Absences and make ups

  • Students should optimally miss no class
  • Students can make up two absences, but no more
    • These absences must be out of the student’s control (mandatory school events, family events, illness, etc.)
    • Students who miss class for optional reasons (e.g., to study independently for outside exams) will not be allowed to make up class.


  • Students should always be in class on time
  • Students are not allowed into class if they are more than 30 minutes late to a class

Curriculum and materials

  • Students may be asked to read a text they have read before.
  • Teachers reserve the right to change materials or lessons.
  • Students may be asked to review or redo a writing lesson they have seen before.
    • The techniques and skills covered may be the same, but the actual writing task will not be.
  • Englist uses texts and materials produced in-house by professional educators and publishers for purposes of relevance. Englist tries to avoid overuse of American or “international” materials.


  • Englist does not give students letter or number grades. Instead we offer narrative reporting.
  • Englist uses a mastery system where students can always increase their scores.

Class advancement

  • Englist places students in the class where they will be at the closest level with the other students of the class based on our professional assessment of student levels
    • Englist does not necessarily place students in classes with other kids who are the closest age of the students
    • Students may be asked to attend the same level of class for multiple semesters. The class structure and lessons may be familiar, but the content will not be the same.


  • Englist and its staff reserve the right to apply or implement these rules at our discretion. If we choose to make an exception for one student or family, that does not imply we will make exceptions for all students.